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'Doctor Sueño': las primeras opiniones apuntan a la mejor adaptación de Stephen King desde 'Cadena perpetua'

'Doctor Sueño': las primeras opiniones apuntan a la mejor adaptación de Stephen King desde 'Cadena perpetua'

Queda poco menos de una semana para que se estrene una de las secuelas más esperadas —y, al mismo tiempo, temidas— por el fandom del terror. Una 'Doctor Sueño' que, al igual que la novela homónima escrita por el maestro del terror Stephen King, servirá de continuación, en este caso cinematográfica, a las andanzas de Danny Torrance en los laberínticos pasillos del hotel Overlook en los que se ambienta 'El resplandor'.

Es precisamente su condición de segunda parte al clásico imperecedero del género dirigido por Stanley Kubrick en 1980 lo que más dudas y desconfianzas estaba generando, pese a contar con un seguro de calidad como Mike Flanagan —que reafirmó su valía con la maravillosa 'La maldición de Hill House'— a las riendas de la producción.

Por suerte, las primeras opiniones sobre 'Doctor Sueño' que han aflorado en las redes sociales invitan al optimismo, calificando el largometraje como "la mejor adaptación de Stephen King desde 'Cadena Perpetua'", afirmando que aúna "las mejores partes de Kubrick y King en una película" y elogiando las interpretaciones de Ewan McGregor y, sobre todo, de una Rebecca Ferguson que parece estar en estado de gracia.

"Los fans de 'El resplandor' van a adorar 'Doctor Sueño'"

Aunque después de lo ocurrido con 'Terminator: Desino oscuro', que, para un servidor, ha terminado siendo más decepcionante de lo que anticipaban las primeras reacciones, debemos coger con pinzas este tipo de opiniones, os dejo con una selección de tuits sobre 'Doctor sueño', que se estrena el próximo jueves 31 para caldear el ambiente de la noche de Halloween.

With #DoctorSleepMovie, Mike Flanagan delivers the best parts of Kubrick and King in one movie.

It made me feel silly for wanting to step back into The Overlook, instead of stepping forward from The Shining with Danny.

Rebecca is an instant icon, and Ewan completely nails it.

— Andrew Dyce (@andrewbdyce) October 25, 2019

Doctor Sleep is the best Stephen King adaption since Shawshank Redemption. Mike Flanagan has perfectly combined nostalgia with tension, mystery, and suspense. The entire cast is superb. There are a number of surprises that will make King fans squeal with delight. #DoctorSleep

— Scott Menzel (@TheOtherScottM) October 25, 2019

It’s been a great yr for Stephen King adaptations but I think #DoctorSleep is the best of the bunch. Thrilled me in ways I wasn’t expecting, made me emotional at times & Rebecca Ferguson is ferocious. What a wonderful celebration of Kubrick, King & @flanaganfilm’s career as well.

— Heatherface Wixson (@thehorrorchick) October 25, 2019

I watched #DoctorSleep on Monday. I was completely floored by how @flanaganfilm was able to tie the book to The Shining universe that already exists on screen. Fans will be surprised by this movie — in a good way. So many little details that will make Constant Readers giddy!

— John SaaV’Ger 🇨🇴 (@johnsjr9) October 25, 2019

#DoctorSleep works best when it's sticking to Stephen King's novel. The moment it starts trying to recreate elements of Kubrick's SHINING, it stumbles a bit. Still, Flanagan nails the emotional elements (no surprise there). And Rebecca Ferguson owns the entire movie.

— Chris EvangelistAHHH!!! (@cevangelista413) October 25, 2019

#DoctorSleepMovie: A hallucinogenic horrorscape, @flanaganfilm channels King’s waking nightmares & familial trauma artfully. Crafts visceral, disquieting dread not too dissimilar to Kubrick’s masterpiece. McGregor & Ferguson give perfectly pitched performances.@DoctorSleepFilm

— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) October 25, 2019

Fans of #TheShining are really gonna love #DoctorSleep. It's at its best when its fueled by follow-up. Starts slowly and descends into madness, just like its predecessor. One specific scene is really horrifying, some solid scares, and good performances across the board.

— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) October 25, 2019

#DoctorSleep is The Shining sequel King fans have been waiting for. Kyliegh Curran is a star in the making & Rebecca Ferguson is downright terrifying. Flanagan beautifully meshes Danny Torrance's haunting past w/ the now present, resulting in the best King adaptation of the year

— Samhain 🎃🍭 (@shannon_mcgrew) October 25, 2019

Doctor Sleep is the best Stephen King adaption since Shawshank Redemption. Mike Flanagan has perfectly combined nostalgia with tension, mystery, and suspense. The entire cast is superb. There are a number of surprises that will make King fans squeal with delight. #DoctorSleep

— Scott Menzel (@TheOtherScottM) October 25, 2019

DOCTOR SLEEP: The boldest choice here is that Mike Flanagan doesn't even try to do Kubrick. He makes a Mike Flanagan movie: spooky, emotional, ultimately optimistic. Not only a sequel to THE SHINING, but a response to it, an attempt to reconcile King and Kubrick. Loved it.

— Jacob Hall (@JacobSHall) October 25, 2019

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La noticia 'Doctor Sueño': las primeras opiniones apuntan a la mejor adaptación de Stephen King desde 'Cadena perpetua' fue publicada originalmente en Espinof por Víctor López G. .


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