Primeras opiniones de 'Frozen 2': una secuela más oscura y con grandes canciones pero sin la magia de la primera entrega Publicada por Entre Fans 8 de Noviembre del 2019 139 views Share More sharing options... Seguidores 0 Estoy convencido de que ni siquiera en Disney contaban con el fenómeno mundial en el que acabó convirtiéndose 'Frozen'. Los 1.274 millones recaudados la convirtieron en la película de animación más taquillera de todos los tiempos -ahora está la duda de si lo es o no porque Disney se niega a reconocer al remake 'El rey león' como cine animado- y en la compañía no pudieron dejar pasar la oportunidad de hacer una secuela que este viernes 22 de noviembre al fin llega a los cines. Por el momento no se han publicado reseñas de 'Frozen 2' -lo más probable es que todavía haya un embargo por parte de Disney-, pero varios críticos norteamericanos ya han tenido la oportunidad de verla y compartir sus primeras impresiones a través de twitter. Entre ellos parece existir cierto consenso en que se trata de una secuela más oscura pero inferior a su predecesora. En Espinof Las 29 mejores películas de animación de la historia Eso no quiere decir que no hayan disfrutado con ella, ya que se destacan virtudes como su impresionante acabado visual o la abundancia de grandes canciones. Incluso hay quien se atreve a decir que la música es mejor que la de la primera parte cuando esto era uno de sus puntos fuertes: Primeras opiniones de 'Frozen 2' Frozen 2 loses some of the magic of the original but its soundtrack is surprisingly superior. Kristoff, Sven, & Olaf standout even though the script leaves Anna & Elsa out in the cold. It is a decent sequel but definitely a step down from the first. #Frozen2— Scott Menzel (@TheOtherScottM) November 8, 2019 Loved #Frozen2. It’s a darker, more complex and more emotionally mature story, continuing everything you love about the first movie and upping the ante while maintaining the intimacy of the original. Gorgeous animation, wonderful new characters and (FINALLY) a Kristoff song! ❄️— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) November 8, 2019 #Frozen2 embarks as not just an evolution of its characters, but it sincerely acknowledges that it's fanbase has grown over the last 6 years, and they have new things to learn in a changing world. Songs are plentiful. Beautiful shots at times. It was something I REALLY needed.— Clayton Davis (@AwardsCircuit) November 8, 2019 #Frozen2 is a worthy sequel. Inspiring story. Elsa rides a water horse and it’s breathtaking. The song “Into the Unknown” is primed to be “Let It Go”-like addictive (sorry parents). And there’s even an ‘80s ballad... sung my Weezer in the end credits! Get ready!!!— Jason Guerrasio (@JasonGuerrasio) November 8, 2019 #Frozen2 seems to exist primarily bc box office for Frozen 1 demanded a sequel, but there’s still plenty to love here: eye-popping fantasy sequences, nice moments for your faves, LOTS of new songs incl the earworm-y “Into the Unknown,” and an unbearably cute new critter— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) November 8, 2019 Just got out of #Frozen2! It doesn’t capture all the magic of the first, but it’s got: Elsa in a wetsuit, Anna ugly crying, Sven ugly crying, Kristoff singing a ‘90s rock ballad, Olaf at his wisest, and... THIS GOOD BOY!! (We must protect him at all costs.)— Alison Foreman (@alfaforeman) November 8, 2019 FROZEN II radiates such strong “does not need to exist” vibes up until they give Jonathan Groff the best song— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) November 8, 2019 Frozen 2 creates musical magic, but story wise, doesn't quite reach the level of the original. Olaf is certainly the highlight of the film & brings much needed levity to a pretty dark film. It feels like it is for a much older crowd than the target demo. #frozen2 #Frozen— Ashley Menzel (@AshleyGMenzel) November 8, 2019 Loved #Frozen2. It’s a darker, more complex and more emotionally mature story, continuing everything you love about the first movie and upping the ante while maintaining the intimacy of the original. Gorgeous animation, wonderful new characters and (FINALLY) a Kristoff song! ❄️— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) November 8, 2019 #Frozen2 embarks as not just an evolution of its characters, but it sincerely acknowledges that it's fanbase has grown over the last 6 years, and they have new things to learn in a changing world. Songs are plentiful. Beautiful shots at times. It was something I REALLY needed.— Clayton Davis (@AwardsCircuit) November 8, 2019 #Frozen2 has some incredibly ethereal animation (and what they do with water is incredible), along with very solid songs, but the story didn't enchant me nearly as much this time around. It's good, but the first one was great. #Frozen @DisneyFrozen— Joey Magidson (@JoeyMagidson) November 8, 2019 #Frozen2 is breathtakingly beautiful and leans in on empowerment for its characters. I cried at least 3 times. From the story to the last thread on Elsa's dress, the care and love put into it shows. And, good news, every one of Team Elsa gets at least one solo this time around.— Alisha Grauso (@AlishaGrauso) November 8, 2019 I really, really liked FROZEN II. A movie that doesn’t even try to have a traditional villain, but instead explores the fears of people, groups you haven’t met yet. And what happens when you learn your own tragic truth.— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) November 8, 2019 Pero ojo, que también hay quien dice que es mejor que la primera. Una minoría, pero ya veremos si sigue así cuando la película llegue a los cines: I can’t believe I am saying this, but FROZEN 2 is better than its predecessor. Darker, a little more mature, but still an excellent film for families, the songs believe it or not are catchier, so parents beware. SEE THIS MOVIE! #Frozen2— Skyler Shuler (@Skylerhxc) November 8, 2019 También te recomendamos Espectacular nuevo tráiler de 'Frozen 2': Disney promete nueva magia y aventuras navideñas 'El rey león': espectacular y fiel remake que potencia las virtudes y los problemas de la fórmula Disney 'El rey león' ya es la película de animación más taquillera de la historia… aunque para Disney sigue siendo "acción real" - La noticia Primeras opiniones de 'Frozen 2': una secuela más oscura y con grandes canciones pero sin la magia de la primera entrega fue publicada originalmente en Espinof por Mikel Zorrilla . Reportar publicación